Wodonga Council
Stand for council in 2024

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/About-Council/Our-Council/2024-Council-elections/Stand-for-council-in-2024

Stand for council in 2024

 /  About CouncilOur Council2024 Council electionsStand for council in 2024

Local government elections will be held across Victoria in October, 2024.

Standing for council

The decisions of councils affect the lives of everyone in our community. Becoming a councillor is a great hands-on way to serve your community and positively influence future directions and outcomes for your municipality.

Wodonga Council has seven councillors elected for a four-year term that work in a style that reflects a board of directors.

Councillors are responsible for setting policy and providing vision and strategic direction to the organisation. Councillors meet regularly through briefings and officially as the council at monthly scheduled meetings.

Standing for election provides a great opportunity to influence the future direction of the local community and help those who require support.

About Wodonga

Wodonga is a vibrant and growing city with a population of more than 44,000 located between Melbourne and Sydney.

It is one of the fastest-growing cities in Victoria and is undergoing major redevelopment in the city following the realisation of significant projects that have been part of the city’s long-term vision including the revitalisation of the CBD, the library-gallery redevelopment, the development of Baranduda Fields and the growth of the Logic industrial precinct.

Wodonga Council plays a role in the economic and social outcomes of our community through the delivery of a range of services including preschools, health and safety, waste management, economic development, arts and culture, infrastructure and population planning.

Candidate Information Sessions

Victorian Electoral Commission
The Victorian Electoral Commission will conduct a candidate information session prior to the call for nominations. Further information will be available closer to the election.

Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV)
The Municipal Association of Victoria will host community and candidate information sessions. Full details are available here: Stand for Council | MAV website.

What participants will learn.

  • The role and purpose of local government;
  • Details of the Local Government Act 2020;
  • Roles, responsibilities and expectations of a councillor;
  • The experience of being a councillor; and,
  • The electoral process and campaigning including key dates and information provided by the Victorian Electoral Commission.

candidatetrainingbuttonMAV Stand for Council session - Wodonga

Wodonga Council will host a community and candidate information on Monday, July 22 from 6pm to 8.30pm. Attendance can be in person or online. If you'd like to attend, please register your spot by 5pm on Friday, July 19.

Mandatory Candidate Training
Under the Local Government Act 2020, candidates will have to undertake mandatory candidate training to consider standing for council which will help candidates understand what is involved in becoming a councillor.

Candidates must complete the Candidate Training course to be eligible to nominate with the Victorian Electoral Commission. This requirement applies to all serving or former councillors intending to nominate.

Further information will be available from Local Government Victoria closer to the election.

Wodonga Councillor Candidate Handbook 2024

Local government represents the third level of government in Victoria, with overarching legislation and guidance provided by the federal and state governments.

Wodonga Council delivers a diverse range of services to our community, with each councillor playing a vital role in advocating for and representing our residents.

A handbook has been created to provide an overview of the responsbilities of local government, the role of councillors and the council's guiding principles and legislation.

Councillor Candidate Handbook 2024. 

Key dates

Election timeline

Close of roll
People must be on the voters' roll by this date to be eligible to vote this election.

  • Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 4pm

Anyone wishing to stand as a candidate may submit their nomination between these dates.

  • Monday, September 9 ; and,
  • Tuesday, September 17 at 12 noon.

Mailout of ballot packs
Ballot packs are distributed via post to every enrolled person in contested elections in a random order over four days.

  • Monday, October 7, 2024 to;
  • Thursday, October 10, 2024

Close of voting
Postal ballots must be in the mail by this time for your vote to be counted.

  • Friday, October 25, 2024 at 6pm.

Deadline for inclusion of postal votes
The Election Manager can accept postal votes received up to this time into the count. Only votes posted before the close of voting can be accepted.

  • Friday, November 1, 2024 at 12pm.

Election day
Latest date all results will be declared. No in-person voting.

  • Saturday, October 26, 2024

Results declaration complete
Latest date all results will be declared.

  • Friday, November 15, 2024.

Standing for council

Who qualifies to be a councillor?
The Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) lists the qualifications to be a councillor and the electoral provisions for being on the voters rollThe VEC website  explains the different entitlements that residents may hold. They can be found here.

How can I nominate for council elections?
Candidates are required to nominate with the Victorian Electoral Commission. Dates of the nomination period will be available in the coming weeks. Read the VEC's "Becoming a council election candidate" on their website here.

Campaign advertising in Wodonga
There are regulations around advertising in public places under the Local Law 1/2014 and the planning scheme. Please note, permits are not issued in Wodonga for any form of political advertising in municipal places. Our local laws can be found here and the relevant section of the planning scheme here.

Advertising material should not be placed on private property - on fences, boundaries or otherwise - without the landowner's permission. No advertising signs can be placed or allowed to be placed on any road or council land including facilities and venues. The planning scheme (section 52.05-4) covers restrictions around advertising as well as provisions for signs not requiring a permit.

Under the planning scheme, a sign that does not require a permit should not exceed five square metres and only one sign may be displayed on the land. It must not be an animated or internally illuminated sign and it must not be displayed longer than 14 days after the event is held or for three months, whichever is sooner. A sign publicising a local political event may include information about a candidate for an election.

A person must not, without a permit, in a municipal place or road, distribute to any person any advertising or promotional items or any printed material. This does not apply to letterbox drops. The placement of flyers or similar material on motor vehicles is prohibited under the Environmental Protection Act.

Mobile signs and billboards
The state Department of Transport is responsible for managing advertising on vehicles travelling on public roads. The council is responsible for other activities that occur at fixed locations within the municipality.

Under the council's local law, vehicle and trailers with mobile billboards affixed of any type, such as variable message boards or illuminated signs, are not permitted to be parked in public places except by way of a permit which are generally only issued for local events and vending activity at times, but not for any form of political advertising in municipal places.

The local law states a mobile billboard cannot be placed on a road, road-related area or council land or any other location likely to interfere with the vision of a pedestrian or driver.

Councillor Induction Project
An extensive Councillor Induction Program will be provided to successful candidates over the first few months following the election.

Local council candidate resources

More information about becoming a local council candidate and the nomination process can be found in the VEC's candidate handbook. Candidate Helper will also be available from Tuesday, August 20 via the same link.

Where can I find out more?
The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is appointed to run the election on behalf of the council. They provide updated information on becoming a candidate. Visit the VEC website for further information. The VEC has candidate information here and the Wodonga Council profile page can be found here.

The peak organisation for Victorian local government is the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV). Find out more about standing for and becoming a councillor at their VicCouncils site.

The Know Your Council website provides an opportunity for you to access consistent information in regard to the performance of local councils across Victoria. It also has information on council elections.