Wodonga Council

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/About-Council/Our-Organisation/Advocacy


 /  About CouncilOur OrganisationAdvocacy



Wodonga Council  regularly advocates to other levels of government for funding and to raise awareness of project and issues that will benefit the Wodonga community and the broader region. 


These projects are also outlined in our Priority Projects for Advocacy plan, adopted by the council, and align with the themes and objectives of the Council Plan 2021-2025 and the Wodonga 2033 vision.



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Advocacy activities

Wodonga Council will undertake a range of activities to promote and deliver on our advocacy objectives.

A variety of methods will be used to support advocacy efforts such as submissions, direct lobbying, leading deputations, hosting decision-makers and consultations, media strategies, and advertising and campaigns.

Advocacy Principles

Advocacy is a deliberate process intended to influence public policy and allocation of resources and increase the visibility and understanding of issues impacting the community with an aim to bring about positive change that affect Wodonga at a local, regional and national level.

The following principles support council’s approach to advocacy.

  • Strategic focus: We will take a planned and strategic approach in ensuring our advocacy actions are aligned with policy and strategic positions adopted by the council.
  • Community engagement: We will actively engage in an appropriate and timely way with our community to understand their aspirations and needs and ensure the community is informed about our advocacy activities.
  • Leadership: We will lead through advocacy on behalf of our community on key issues with an emphasis placed on working with and advocating to state and federal governments. 
  • Transparency: We will be open and transparent in our advocacy priorities ensuring the way we pursue them and any progress we make is visible and accessible to the community through reporting.
  • Collaborative: We will optimise its likelihood of success by taking a partnership-based approach to our advocacy, collaborating with state and federal representatives, key stakeholders, groups and community.
  • Responsive: We will deliver our advocacy in a way that is adaptable and responsive to changing political and funding environments, taking an innovative and solutions-focused approach to unexpected issues and opportunities. 

Our commitment to advocacy

Under the Local Government Act 2020, councils must give effect to several governance principles including:

  • Achieving the best outcomes for the community;
  • Promoting the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the
  • municipality;
  • Pursuing innovation and continuous improvement;
  • Collaboration with other councils, governments and statutory bodies; and,
  • Regional, state and national plans and polies being taken into account in strategic planning and decision-making.

Wodonga Council has prepared this document in line with meeting these obligations for our community and to build confidence and community trust in the council as an advocate for the community.