Wodonga Council

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/About-Council/Our-Organisation/Advocacy/Transport


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Wodonga is a city that has a very high car dependency which in part reflects a public transport system that is not a sufficiently attractive alternative. 

As a growing regional city, Wodonga has the ability to create additional road capacity and increased road use efficiency throughout the built-up CBA area, into the growth areas and also in the connector roads into the city. 

Car usage will only reduce when alternatives such as public transport, cycling and walking are made more accessible, reliable and safe with reduced travel times and improved connectivity. 

Advocacy objectives
Advocating for improved and reliable public transport that better meets the needs of residents.

Strategic alignment

Council Plan - Strong, Sound and Responsible Leadership, Connected and Engaged


Department of Transport, AlburyCity, Junction Support Services

The commuter bus service is provided under contract by Dysons Bus Service. Service routes are not necessarily aligned to residential development and complaints or queries are often made around present and future planning.

 The council supports better planning and community engagement to understand community needs and expectations for bus networks across Albury-Wodonga.
Reliable passenger rail services between Albury-Wodonga and Melbourne provide a critical link for North East residents to benefit social inclusion and enhanced liveability.

It is important the travel patterns and requirements of the communities, including inter-regional transport and connections to business, education, major events, health and professional services, domestic and international air travel.

While the passenger rail service between Wodonga and Melbourne is under review, the current VLIne timetable shows daily Wodonga departures at 06:44,12:54 and 17:29 and Melbourne departures at 07:07, 12:05 and 18:02 (full train service). The departure times mean arrivals in Melbourne are mid-morning, late afternoon or late at night, making business or medical appointments somewhat difficult.

Timetables more aligned to early morning arrivals at Southern Cross and late afternoon departures would provide an improved service to Wodonga and the wider region.
The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) L2P Program is a community-based program developed to assist eligible young Victorian learner drivers between the ages of 16 and 21 years who do not have access to a supervising driver, or an appropriate vehicle gain experience required for a probationary licence.

Gaining a driver’s licence increases opportunities in education and employment, particularly in a region where public transport does not meet community need.

Flexibility of the program is required to meet the localised and cultural needs of young people to ensure the program can be sustainable in regional areas.
The Sunshine Station super-hub - part of the Melbourne Airport Rail Link - does not include a standard gauge platform which would link travellers from services from the North East as well as the interstate Sydney XPT easily and efficiently with the direct rail connection with Melbourne airport services.

The Hume rail corridor – passing through Strathbogie, Benalla, Wangaratta, Indigo and Wodonga LGAs and servicing the Albury LGA – has a population of almost 160,000. There is projected to be almost an additional 200,000 people in this catchment by 2040.

Without a standard gauge platform, travellers from these major regional centres are deprived of efficient direct access to Melbourne’s Airport, much of Melbourne’s suburban rail network and the new Melbourne Metro rail system. The council supports the land used for the previous standard gauge platform – which is still available and readily accessible – to be reinstated.

The Sunshine super-hub needs provision for the North East rail services platform to facilitate and enable direct rail connection to Melbourne airport services.

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