Wodonga Council
Driveways, easements and occupation of council land

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Building-Planning/Infrastructure/Driveways-easements-and-occupation-of-council-land

Driveways, easements and occupation of council land

 /  Building + PlanningInfrastructureDriveways, easements and occupation of council land

A road reserve works permit is required to ensure that council infrastructure assets such as footpaths, gutters or drainage are not damaged during private construction works. 

The RRW permit provides consent for multiple council permits including vehicle crossings, occupation of council land associated with building works, stormwater connection and asset protection. 

The permit ensures that the council can undertake inspections on assets that may be impacted by the building works.  The current condition of assets will be documented and any existing damage will be noted. At the conclusion of the work, a further inspection will be undertaken and any new damage to the council’s infrastructure will be reported to the applicant for rectification.

A permit protection bond must be obtained prior to carrying out any works. The permit protection bond is refundable and will be returned upon completion once a final inspection has been undertaken satisfactorily. 

A road reserve works permit is required to be obtained in addition to any building or planning approval for any of the following works: 

•    Vehicle crossing
•    Stormwater connection
•    Occupation of council land
•    New dwelling
•    Demolition
•    Swimming pool/spa
•    Domestic building works $60,000-plus
•    Commercial building works $90,000-plus
•    Works believed to potentially impact council assets, reserves, environment, flora and fauna etc.

All applications must be made prior to seven days before any works are carried out on site. Should work on site commence prior to the permit being applied for, and an inspection being undertaken, any damage to council infrastructure will be deemed to be the responsibility of the applicant to rectify. 

The following information is required to submit an application; 

•    Applicant information & contact details
•    Property address and property owner details and property owners consent
•    Plan of proposed works clearly identifying all street assets including street trees, drainage pits, power poles etc. 
•    Erosion and sediment control plan
•    Evidence of a current public liability insurance of not less than $10 million
•    Application fee
•    Payment of refundable protection bond or a current rolling bond certificate issued by council 

Build-over easement

For works that are associated with a stormwater easement, a build-over easement permit may be required in addition to a road reserve works permit.

Application fees:

Permit type Permit fee Bond amount
Build over an easement application One referral $320.52 -
Two referrals $641.04 -
Road reserve works permit application
- Asset protection
$113.75 $900
Road reserve works permit application
- Vehicle crossing + asset protection
$281.15 $900
Road reserve works permit application
- Vehicle crossing + asset protection + occupation of Council lands
$334.45 $900

Road reserve works permit application
- Occupation of roads/council land + asset protection

$167.05 $900

