Wodonga Council
Wastewater management systems

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Building-Planning/Infrastructure/Wastewater-management-systems

Wastewater management systems

 /  Building + PlanningInfrastructureWastewater management systems

If you live in a un-sewered area, you must manage sewage at your property by using an  approved Environment Protection Authority (EPA) onsite wastewater management system (OWMS). How you treat the wastewater will depend on your site conditions which are determined by a land capability assessment (LCA). 

The main system types are:

  • Septic tank; and,
  • Secondary wastewater treatment systems.
Land capability assessments

For all new applications a land capability assessment (LCA) must be conducted by a suitably qualified and experienced provider.

It is very important that an LCA is carried out early in the planning phase of the development, as it may have significant design implications for the site. Building approval is dependent on a permit to install an onsite wastewater management system, and delays may occur if an application has not been lodged.

General Environmental Duty (GED)

The Environment Protection Act 2017 (EP Act) creates a GED that applies to all Victorians from July 1, 2021.

The GED requires anyone conducting an activity that poses risks to human health and the environment from pollution and waste, to minimise those risks. 

Maintenance requirements

These requirements are your responsibility and are dependent on the system you have chosen to install.

The Environment Protection Regulations 2021 require owners to maintain the system in good working order and respond to any failures.

Systems will be inspected at three yearly or quarterly intervals depending on the type you have.

Available systems

There are numerous systems approved by the EPA that can be used if your site permits it after the land capability assessment (LCA) report. 

Each system has different levels of cost, maintenance and legal requirements. It is important that you are fully aware of the requirement of your system prior to installing.

A comprehensive list of approved systems and their requirements are available through the Environment Protection Authority Victoria website.

You will need to apply for install a new wastewater management system with us before installing it.