Wodonga Council
Planning FAQs

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Building-Planning/Planning/The-planning-process/Planning-FAQs

Planning FAQs

 /  Building + PlanningPlanningThe planning processPlanning FAQs

Does it cost to make a planning application?

Yes. Application fees vary according to the application type and value of works and are statutory fees which are set by the Victorian Government.

You can view the fees and charges here.

How long will a decision on my application take?

Many applications are processed within 60 working days.

Our planners will work on several applications simultaneously and decision times will vary depending on workload, complexity and scale of an application.

Where public notification and/or referral agency input or further information is required, this can extend the timeframes of decisions. You do need to plan ahead and allow enough time for the permit process to occur prior to commencing works.

How do I lodge a planning application or meet with a planner?

Applications for planning approval can be lodged either via mail or at our Hovell St offices.

A planner is available in the office from 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday, for one-hour appointments. You can make an appointment by phoning the community focus team on (02) 6022 9300.

How is a decision made?

Wodonga Council planning officers will assess the application on the following:

  • State Planning Policy Framework;
  • Council's Municipal Strategic Statement;
  • Local planning policies for Wodonga;
  • Land use and development controls;
  • The proposal's response to the site context;
  • Whether the proposal maintains or enhances the character of an area;
  • Whether the amenity of adjoining properties is compromised by the proposed development and/or use; and
  • Submissions from referral authorities, neighbours and other interested parties as applicable.

Who makes the decision?

Our planning officers have delegated authority from the council to consider and decide on most planning permit applications.

This includes refusal of applications. Councillors are regularly briefed on the determinations made by the delegated officers.

The council does make decisions on applications where there have been more than five objections or major or controversial proposals.

Can I challenge the council's decision?

Yes, if you do not agree with a determination of ours, you can make an application for review of our decision through the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

However, prior to doing this you are encouraged to contact our statutory planning team before lodging an appeal and discuss the matter first.

Can my planning permit be extended?

Yes, provided it has not expired.

A condition on your planning permit will set down the time period by which the development and/or use must commence or be completed. The permit will expire if the permit is not complied with in the specified times.

An application for extension to this time can be made for within three months of expiry. The application must be accompanied by the applicable fee and an explanation as to why and for how long an extension to the permit is sought.