Wodonga Council
Wodonga Profile - Online data tools

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Business-Investment/Profile/Wodonga-Profile-Online-data-tools

Wodonga Profile - Online data tools

 /  Business + InvestmentProfileWodonga Profile - Online data tools

Economic profile

Wodonga’s economic profile presents economic information that enables you to describe the area's role within the broader economy, explore options for economic development and promote the area's strengths. 

This economic snapshot also provides insight into labour force, population and development opportunities in our city. 

Community profile

Wodonga’s Community Profile provides demographic analysis for the city and smaller areas within it, based on results from the Census’.

Social Atlas

This suite of thematic maps shows where populations with specific characteristics are located, highlighting where services are required and identifying hidden pockets of need.

Population forecast

Wodonga’s population and household forecasts provide us with knowledge on what is driving population change and how the population and age structure will change each year up to 2046, allowing us to make confident decisions about the future.

Housing monitor

Explore Wodonga’s housing and better understand housing supply and demand, housing diversity, affordability and availability.