Wodonga Council
Wodonga's economy, demographic and population

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Business-Investment/Profile/Wodongas-economy-demographic-and-population

Wodonga's economy, demographic and population

 /  Business + InvestmentProfileWodonga's economy, demographic and population

Wodonga’s economy

Wodonga's Economic Profile provides a quick snapshot of the economy, labour force, and population and development opportunities in Wodonga. Click here to view.

For detailed economic information on Wodonga, please click the button below and you'll be taken to our Economy ID profile.

Demographic profile

Profile ID is an interactive online socio-demographic profile program, which will give you instant access to ABS data about Wodonga. View the profile for Wodonga.

Social Atlas provides you with a view of Wodonga's population via heat mapping. View the online map.

Population forecast

Population forecasts provide us with the knowledge to make confident decisions about the future population. 

They help us answer questions such as how many people will live within the municipality, where they will be located, how old they will be and what type of household they will live in. View the online population forecast.