Wodonga Council from time to time has property available for sale and lease.
The Wodonga Council Property Lease Register contains information about leases on council-owned and council-managed land (freehold and Crown land).
This includes leases for recreational based services, community groups, not-for-profit organisations and commercial businesses.
In accordance with Sections 57 and 58 of the Local Government Act 2020 and the Public Transparency Policy, we are committed to being transparent and accountable by providing information about current leases.
To view a copy of the property lease register, please click here.
The property lease register is updated biannually in January and July.
For more information, please contact the Property Team via info@wodonga.vic.gov.au
EOI Water Tower For Lease
Wodonga Council is seeking expressions of interest from interested parties for the lease of the Historic Wodonga Water Tower.
The council is particularly interested in proposals that will complement existing businesses in the Woodland Grove area.
The council is looking for new tenants that will bring value and uniqueness to this landmark
Expressions of Interest