Wodonga Council
Draft Open Space Strategy

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Have-your-say/Past-Consultations/2021/Draft-Open-Space-Strategy

Draft Open Space Strategy

 /  Have your sayPast Consultations2021Draft Open Space Strategy

Draft Open Space Strategy


Wodonga’s great outdoors are one of the factors that make it a great place to live, work and play.

Wodonga has 429 hectares of usable public open space, which is important in our lives for sport, recreation and relaxation.

This 429 ha excludes private, restricted or limited for community use, including non-Council managed Crown Land, environmental open space such as the Hills and Wodonga Retained Environmental Network (WREN) lands primarily located along creek corridors and areas of significant native vegetation and also excludes private open spaces such as sports fields, golf courses, race courses, shopping areas and education facilities.

Following initial consultation with the community that started in 2018, council has developed a draft Open Space Strategy.

The draft strategy provides direction for planning, provision, design and management of all public open space for the next 15 years.

The draft strategy analyses Wodonga’s existing public open space, identifies gaps in the distribution of public open space and looks at the future needs of our growing population, including opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to have access to nature and outdoor recreation.

The draft strategy covers Wodonga, West Wodonga, Huon Creek, Gateway Island, Bandiana, Killara, Baranduda and Leneva and was developed using feedback from stakeholders and the wider community.

Now, council needs the community to have its say on that draft Open Space Strategy.

Recommendations in the draft Open Space Strategy, include:
  • Increase public open space resource allocation to improve facilities and services appropriate to meet Wodonga’s anticipated future demographics, including higher numbers of youth and older adults;
  • Ensure improved planning policy, design measures and embellishment at the subdivision stage to prevent future maintenance and access issues;
  • Track and trail networks should connect to the broader region and planned in consultation with regional organisations and neighbouring councils; and,
  • Support sustainable and active transport (walking and cycling) throughout the municipality

Find out more and have your say today.

Have your say in this five-minute survey!

Engagement opportunities will be held during the consultation period. Please register your interest here and we'll keep you up-to-date via email.

If there is a particular open space you are interested in, please email makewodongayours@wodonga.vic.gov.au and we'll get back to you with the relevant information.

*In line with the present health orders, as a community event, those aged 16 years and over must be - and show proof of being - fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a valid medical exemption and check-in via the Service Victoria app. The space has a capacity limit of 30 people at any one time.

November 29, 2021

This consultation is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who gave feedback.

September 22, 2021

This consultation is now open for public comment.

Location: Wodonga

Submissions can be made online (using the online form below), by e-mail or phone.

Written submissions must be clearly marked as '' and will be received up until . They can also be sent by:

  • Inform

    Community members have access to information that is accurate, relevant, appropriate, easy to access and easy to understand

  • Consult

    Seek and receive the views of community members on issues that directly affect them or in which they may have a significant interest

  • Involve

    Enable community members to influence the development and evaluation of policies, programs and services

Document Library
Life Cycle
  • Open

    The consultation is open from Wednesday, September 22, 2021 to Monday, November 22, 2021

  • Under Review

    Results will be reviewed and inform the final Open Space Strategy

  • Final Report

    The final outcomes will be documented here

Key Dates
  • Wednesday, September 22

    Register your interest here to be kept up-to-date.

  • Saturday, October 16, 8am-12pm

    Albury Wodonga Farmers Market, Gateway Village

  • Thursday, October 21, 4-8pm

    Murray River Market, Junction Square

  • Wednesday, October 27, 6-7pm

    Online information and feedback session  - cancelled

  • Thursday, November 4, 3:30-6pm

    *Drop-in session outside council (weather pending)

  • Sunday, November 14, 11am-2pm
    *Belvoir Park Community Wood-fired Oven Cancelled due to inclement weather

  • Friday, November 19, 6-8pm

    **Pop-up café, Baranduda Community Centre

  • * Events

    *In line with the present health orders, as a community event, those aged 16 years and over must be - and show proof of being - fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a valid medical exemption and check-in via the Service Victoria app.

    **As above and the space has a capacity limit of 30 people at any one time.

Who's Listening
Strategic Planning

Wodonga Council

Strategic Planning's Photo