There are 6715 registered dogs and 1801 registered cats in Wodonga.
It’s estimated that by 2036 there will be at least 10,818 registered dogs in the city.
We have a vision for a community where pets are embraced as an integral part of a family and where the safety of humans and the welfare of all animals underpins the delivery of council’s animal management programs.
To achieve this vision, and as a requirement of the Victorian Domestic Animals Act 1994, council has prepared a Domestic Animal Management Plan 2021 to 2025.
The plan endeavours to cater for the needs of companion animals (dogs and cats), their owners and promotes and enhances responsible pet ownership among the city’s companion animal owners.
The plan’s objectives include:
- Improve community understanding of responsible pet ownership;
- Increase dog and cat registrations in line with population growth each year;
- Reduce dog and cat nuisance complaints;
- Increase reporting of dog attacks in the community;
- Decrease time delay in between when an attack occurs and reporting to council;
- Explore options to encourage cat owners to register their cats such as incentives, programs and other methods;
- Increased activities to reduce feral cat population; and,
- Explore programs and tools to reduce roaming cats, including a 24-hour cat curfew
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