Wodonga Council
CBD Changing Places and Bike Hub

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Our-Major-Projects/Completed-Projects/CBD-Changing-Places-and-Bike-Hub

CBD Changing Places and Bike Hub

 /  Our Major ProjectsCompleted ProjectsCBD Changing Places and Bike Hub

CBD Changing Places and Bike Hub


The multiuse amenity facility in Mulga Car Park is now complete.

Here you’ll find a Changing Places toilet which allows people with disability and high support needs access to dedicated, suitable and safe public facilities. For more information about changing places and eligibility for access to keys, click here. 

The facility also includes bike end-of-trip change and toilets, repair station, E-bike charging, lockable bike storage, a water refill point as well as tube vending machine.

There is existing lighting in the Mulga car park and the designs include additional security lighting in and around the facility.

This project aims to increase active transport opportunities for Wodonga residents through the provision of cycle supporting infrastructure. The facility will also allow council to promote and enhance bike friendly and cycle tourism opportunities for the city and the surrounding communities.  

The facility design incorporates environmentally sustainable development and universal design principles. The project was constructed utilising the latest building materials, innovations, and management processes.

The Mulga Car Park site is conveniently located in Wodonga’s CBD, provides a safe and secure environment with good visual surveillance, is easy to find and close to or connected to Wodonga's shared pathway networks. 


The project came about from the allocation of $150,000 from Hyphen to the Wodonga Planning Scheme parking overlay, which collects funds to be utilised for, or in association with, cycle-friendly infrastructure (including end-of-trip facilities) as described at Figure 4 in the council’s adopted Wodonga Central Business Area Car Parking Plan 2018.  

The remaining project budget is made up of funding; $90,000 Department of Transport Cycle infrastructure Fund and $143,530 Victorian Government’s Changing Places Program Funding Round 2022.

  • Project complete
    September 2024
    The Changing Places and Bike Hub is now open to the public.
  • Works to commence
    February 19, 2024

    Works are scheduled to commence for the changing place and bike hub located within Mulga Car Park. Set up of the construction site will commence Monday, February 19 with works expected to take approximately four months. 

    The front section of Mulga Car Park will be unavailable during construction, however there is still plenty of parking at the rear of Mulga Car Park. Additional all day parking can be found at the rear of the Goods Shed (Aurora Way) as well as in Stanley St, Smythe St, Hume St and Watson St. View map.

  • Community feedback received by council
    September 18, 2023

    At the council meeting on Monday, September 18, councillors received the community engagement report for the Mulga Carpark location and approved the new detailed design for the multi-use facility.

  • Community Consultation
    July 26 to August 15, 2023.

    Consultation seeking feedback on the proposed Mulga Car Park location was undertaken.

    You can learn more about this consultation here.

  • Mulga Car Park site proposed
    July 17, 2023

    Council officers undertook an exploration process of alternate sites and options. At the July meeting, council resolved to accept the alternate location for the multiuse amenity facility at Mulga carpark in Wodonga’s Central Business District and seek feedback from the community.

  • Tender for the CBD bike hub at Junction Place not supported
    February 20, 2023

    At the February 2023 meeting, council passed a resolution to not award the tender as it exceeded it's budget allocation. instead, council officers are to investigate and report back on alternatives to meet the requirements.

  • Tender advertised
    December 3, 2022

    The tender for the construction of the bike hub was advertised. 

  • Site approved
    October 17, 2022

    At its October 2022 council meeting, council passed a resolution to approve construction of the CBD bike Hub at the identified site in Junction Square. 

  • Community Consultation
    August 24 to September 8, 2022

    The community engagement and the outcomes of the consultation can be found in our Have Your Say area.