Wodonga Council
Kinchington and Leneva Playgrounds

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Our-Major-Projects/Completed-Projects/Kinchington-and-Leneva-Playgrounds

Kinchington and Leneva Playgrounds

 /  Our Major ProjectsCompleted ProjectsKinchington and Leneva Playgrounds

Kinchington and Leneva Playgrounds


Wodonga Council has been working to develop a comprehensive design concept for the playgrounds in Kinchington Estate and Leneva Views.

The two parcels of land sit about 200m apart with connecting roads and paths now completed. Based on feedback from the initial consultation, Leneva Views open space will be designed to appeal to older children, connecting directly to the path network.

Kinchington Estate open space will include a partially enclosed play area for younger children, large picnic shelter and half-court basketball.

Installation is scheduled to commence January 2024 and works will take place in two stages, over several months.

Stage one will include installation of the play equipment and hard landscape elements listed below.

  • Kinchington Estate Reserve
    • Connecting paths from existing pathway to playground
    • Concrete for social area
    • Half Court with netball and basketball hoops including noise reduction backboard
    • Larger multiplay unit with inclusive play features, twin slide and junior slide
    • Nature play nook including sand play
    • Swing set
    • Shade sails over swing set
    • Timber and rocks steppers and
    • Seesaw and individual Rocker
    • Partial perimeter fencing for playground nearest Dwyer Avenue
    • Barrier fence between court and social area
    • Rubber surface to accessible elements
  • Leneva Views Reserve
    • Connecting paths to existing pathways and shelter
    • Medium multiplay unit with climbing cube and glider
    • Pendulum swing
    • Multi-person net spinner
    • Rubber surface to accessible elements

Stage two will commence following completion of stage one and will include the following.

  • Installation of additional furniture at both reserves
  • Shelter in Kinchington Estate reserve
  • Tree and garden bed plantings to complement surrounding area at both reserves



Kinchington Reserve

This playspace is designed to have something for the whole family, including a half-court basketball and multi-sport space, shelter and a playground designed for children two to 12 years. Fencing is proposed to inhibit movement towards the roadways.

The equipment is proposed to meet the needs of a wide variety of ages and abilities and includes rubber surfacing around accessible elements.

The shelter central to both the playground and half-court basketball area provides a shaded gathering area for families.

Garden beds and plantings are placed around the reserve to attract local wildlife and act as a natural barrier to other interfaces.

Leneva Reserve

This playspace is designed for older children and is intended to complement the larger reserve.

Rope climbing elements have been included to challenge older age groups.

Additional freestanding elements for swinging and spinning encourage social play incorporate key forms of movement through dynamic play.

The location of the play area near the path connection allows shared use of the reserve space, leaving an open grassed area for freeform recreation and consideration to passive recreation activities.

  • Playgrounds officially opened
    March 21

    The playgrounds at Kinchington Estate and Leneva Views have officially opened with stage one works being completed mid-March.

    Read more here. 

  • Playground installation
    Commencing January 15, 2024

    This will occur in two stages and take several months

  • Tender/contract
    September to November, 2023

    Advertising of the tender and awarding of the contract

  • Consultatation
    July to August, 2023

    Consultation to stage two of the playground

  • Design
    February to June, 2023

    Detailed designs works underway

  • Consultation
    October to November, 2022

    Consultation for stage one of the playground