Wodonga Council
Collaborative Land Management

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Our-Major-Projects/Planning-for-Wodonga-Hills/Collaborative-Land-Management

Collaborative Land Management

 /  Our Major ProjectsPlanning for Wodonga HillsCollaborative Land Management

Collaborative Land Management

At the August 2019, Wodonga Council adopted a motion for the implementation of actions from the Planning for the Wodonga Hills strategy and associated master plans including reference to Action 1 – Collaborative Land Management.

This action stated:

  • Work collaboratively with Parklands Albury Wodonga and the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) to co-operatively plan for and collaboratively manage the Hunchback Hill Complex as an integrated whole, maximising biodiversity, user and fire management outcomes under a consistent and co-ordinated approach as well as to provide a high quality “tenure blind” experience for users.

August, 2019

Wodonga Council is part of the McFarlanes Hill Reference Group, established by DEWLP and assists where able in working with DELWP and Parklands Albury Wodonga to achieve rehabilitation outcomes as identified by audits of the area.

The council continues to undertake its own works programs on areas which it owns and manages which include fencing improvements and repairs, works in accordance with annual programs, willow removal and targeted weed control and fuel load reduction in accordance with the fire management plans for Klings Hill.

This project is ongoing.

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