Wodonga Council
Rock 'n' Roller Climb Trail

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Our-Major-Projects/Planning-for-Wodonga-Hills/Rock-n-Roller-Climb-Trail

Rock 'n' Roller Climb Trail

 /  Our Major ProjectsPlanning for Wodonga HillsRock 'n' Roller Climb Trail

Rock 'n' Roller Climb Trail

In August 2019, Wodonga Council adopted a motion for the implementation of actions from the Planning for the Wodonga Hills strategy and associated master plans including reference to Action 14 – Complete Mountain Bike Track Loop.

This action stated:

  • Establish a new section of single mountain bike track, from the upper saddle on the Central Management Track to the Klings Hill summit, to complete a loop with the downhill single track.  This will be an ascent only route, separating riders and walkers currently sharing the Coyles Track (see action 12).  The proposed alignment is via an area supporting little native vegetation or habitat, allowing the final alignment selection to avoid impacts on biodiversity values.  The route will also be chosen to minimise visual impacts.  Provision of this track should be accompanied by targeted plantings to assist in slope stabilisation and to partially screen the track from other parts of the hill.  Safety signage and active implementation of a code of conduct will be required to avoid conflict between users.  

Information on the implementation of this project can be found in the community information update in the document library.

Document Library
  • August, 2019
    Council resolution to implement action
  • May, 2020
    Tender advertised for design
  • June, 2020
    Tender due to be awarded
  • July, 2020

    Climb trail tender awarded, final trail alignment being assessed.