Tree planting
Council plants 3000 to 4000 native plants into the natural areas and 2000 amenity trees (50 per cent natives) such as street trees each year. Heat island mapping is undertaken to identify key areas for planting to reduce the heat island effect.
LED lighting upgrades in street lighting and council facilities
Field lighting installations are on an automated CTS control system which allows us to monitor usage and schedule the lights to only come on at one particular time and then turn off at the end of the booking – which reduces power usage and wastage considerably.
Installations are as follows: residential street lighting, Belgrade Ave Community Centre, Exhibition Centre, Waste Transfer Station, Depot, The Cube Wodonga, Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre, LED lighting along reserve pathways, All new field lighting projects are LED lights – such as Kelly Park netball and St Monica’s Oval.
100 per cent renewable electricity (learn more about council's electricity savings here)
Wodonga Council is one of 46 Victorian Councils to sign up with VECO, the Victorian Energy Collaboration, the largest emissions reduction project by local government in Australia.
As of July 2021, all of council’s electricity requirements has been powered with 100 per cent renewables - reducing council’s greenhouse gas emissions and electricity costs.
VECO will provide 45 per cent of all Victorian Councils’ electricity requirements with 100 per cent renewables, reducing greenhouse emissions by 260,000 tonnes of C02-e every year.