Wodonga Council

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Services/Our-People/Children/Playgroups


 /  ServicesOur PeopleChildrenPlaygroups





Wodonga has many community playgroups for children to enjoy with their parents, carers and grandparents. Most families go to community playgroups but in recent years more kinds of playgroup have become available that may be based around music, the outdoors, grandparents, or many other formats.

Playgroups are low cost and run by parents or carers. Each parent or carer is responsible for the children they bring to playgroup.

At playgroup you can meet other people going through similar experiences, ease the isolation that can come with caring for young children, and find out about local community, health and support services.

Why do families go to playgroup?

Young children are going through a stage of rapid brain and skill development that playgroup can support. Babies are offered play experiences to stimulate their sense. Toddlers build on these play experiences to practice using their hands and their emerging language skills.


What can we do at playgroup?

Playgroups are an ideal place for children to learn and develop through play. They give routine to a child's week providing regular time away from home, help develop social skills, are for families with a baby, toddler and preschooler to attend together, provide a large range of toys often not available at home, and give parents and carers the opportunity to spend valuable time with their child.

  • Make new friends;
  • Have new experiences;
  • Gain self confidence;
  • Develop physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually;
  • Develop their skills of cooperation;
  • Develop verbal and non-verbal communication skills through contact with other children and adults; and,
  • Extend their experience of literacy in a social environment.



Where can I find a playgroup?


Find my local playgroup

There are many ongoing playgroups in Wodonga and surrounds.

Community playgroups are open to anyone to attend, run from various community centres around the city, and are a wonderful way for adults and children to meet new people, socialise, and share new information and ideas.

Community playgroups are run by the parents/carers and usually run with the Victoria school terms.

Some groups have small fees to cover the costs running the playgroups, please call the contact listed to discuss this.

Additional listings and information for community playgroups may be found on the Playgroup Victoria website.

Wodonga Council runs five Supported Playgroups for families who meet certain eligibility criteria as set by the Victorian Department of Education and Training.

Supported playgroups are run by a trained facilitator four days a week during Victorian school terms, and are free for families with children aged from birth to four years.

If you would like to enquire about attending a Supported Playgroup, please phone the co-ordinator on (02) 6022 9300 or 0428 621 911.