Wodonga Council
Frequently asked questions

Page URL: https://www.wodonga.vic.gov.au/Services/Our-People/Children/Kindergarten/Frequently-asked-questions

Frequently asked questions

 /  ServicesOur PeopleChildrenKindergartenFrequently asked questions

Have a few questions in relation to enroling your child in kindergarten?

Take a look at some of our most frequently asked questions below.


I've submitted my child’s application, what happens next?

You will be emailed an acknowledgement that your application has been received.

This is not a confirmation of a place at a council-run kindergarten.

You will also be provided with an authorisation form through Adobe that needs to be submitted in order for your application to be classed as complete.

After these documents are submitted, the enrolment will then be processed in preparation for the allocation process

In some cases, the Early Years team could seek further information from families such as:

  • Medical diagnosis reports;
  • Court orders;
  • Specialist assessment reports (eg. speech or OT assessments, paediatrician reports);
  • NDIS plans; and,
  • Medical management plans

If you can, please submit these documents in the first instance to kinder@wodonga.vic.gov.au.  This will ensure we are prepared to support your child if they are offered a kindergarten position.

Please note, under changes made by the Victorian Government, the demand for kindergarten places will increase. A priority of access criteria is applied through the allocation process and there is a possibility your child may not be allocated a position and will be placed on a waiting list.

What is “priority of access” and how is it applied?

Places will be allocated in the first instance for children who meet the criteria in the following order

  • Children approved for a second year of four-year-old-kindergarten by the Department of Education and Training;
  • Children currently in a kindergarten program that will be returning for the following year;
  • Children at risk of abuse or neglect and children in out-of-home care;
  • Children who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander;
  • Asylum seeker and refugee children;
  • Children eligible for the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy (child or parent holds a Commonwealth Health Care Card, Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card, Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card or White Card);
  • Children with additional needs, defined as children: 
    a.       Who require additional assistance in order to fully participate in the kindergarten program; 
    b.       Who require a combination of services which are individually planned; and  
    c.       Who have an identified specific disability or developmental delay; 
  • Siblings of children who are enrolled to attend in the same year; and
  • Children who are multiple births (twins, triplets etc).  
All of my children have gone to a particular centre, will my next child be allocated to the same centre?

We understand families build relationships with their teacher and make connections with certain kindergartens. Families like their children to have the same great kindergarten experience.

All our kindergartens provide high-quality educational programs and have the underlying foundation of inclusion and relationships. Your child will be provided with excellent programs at any of our council services.

With the commencement of funded three-and four-year-old kindergarten resulting in an increase in demand for places, prior connection to a service can no longer be part of the priority of access criteria.

Can I give a preferred centre? Why can’t I give preferences, I have always been able to choose?

Due to high demand of places, families will be allocated a position within a service that has available places. Providing families with the option to put a preferred service displaces a large number of families.

Wodonga Council is committed to proving high-quality education and care for all children at all its kindergartens. There are internal and external monitoring processes to ensure the highest quality is being provided.

My child did not get a spot, what do I do?

Wodonga Council and the Department of Education and Training Victoria have been working through the capacity for all children to be able to access a kindergarten program across Wodonga.

Kindergarten programs are operating from several different early years settings and it has been identified there are enough places to accommodate all three-and-four-year-old children in accessing 15 hours of kindergarten.

Wodonga Council has increased its capacity, however, even with these efforts, we may not be able to provide a position for every application submitted.

The Early Years Team will provide advice to families who do not receive a position at allocation time in August.

I’m a parent who can’t drive or does not have transport. Can you help?

If you do not have transport to get your child to a kindergarten service, please email kinder@wodonga.vic.gov.au and detail your situation along with your child's name listed on the enrolment.

Can my child be allocated a position if they aren’t yet three years old?

Children can be allocated a position in a council-run service if they are turning three years old by April 30 in the year they are applying to attend.

If they are allocated a position, they will not be able to attend the program until they have turned three years old, due to regulatory requirements.

My child is not toilet-trained, can they start kindergarten?

Children’s needs - including toileting requirements - will be supported through the program.

Please provide information about your child’s toileting requirements on the enrolment form under the health and medical information section, this will ensure we can fully provide the supports needed for your child. You can also email any questions regarding this to kinder@wodonga.vic.gov.au

What does my child need to bring to Kinder?
  • A bag
  • A sunhat – all year round. Sun hats are always worn during terms one and four. Staff will ensure children wear sunhats during terms two and three when the UV Index is above three.
  • A change of clothes
  • Warm clothing (when appropriate)
  • A bottle of water
  • A packed lunch and afternoon tea
  • Nappies will need to be provided if required for your child

Morning tea including fruit, milk and water is provided by the kindergarten.

It is recommended that children wear sneakers, runners or well-fitted sandals.

Thongs and crocs are not appropriate or safe for children to wear during active play.

I have been referred to a particular kindergarten by my child’s specialist/medical practitioner. Will I get my preference?

Kindergarten programs are funded by the Victorian Government and supported through the Department of Education and Training. Any funded kindergarten program can apply for additional support and assistance through the Department of Education Kindergarten Inclusion Support program.

All of council’s kindergarten programs have the skill and expertise to meet the diverse needs of children. The Early Years team will review your child’s application and determine which service will best suit your child with the sole purpose of seeking the best outcome for your child’s learning and development needs.

The team will work with you at the point of enrolment to ensure that appropriate information is provided and discuss with you your child’s kindergarten allocation. Once the enrolment process has been completed, the teacher will then support children and families with a Transition to Kindergarten plan and possible application for Kindergarten Inclusion Support.

Please contact the Early Years team if you would like support with your kindergarten enrolment or if you would like to discuss your child’s needs. This can be submitted via email to kinder@wodonga.vic.gov.au

If you child attends a childcare service, you can discuss what supports they can provide your child within their own kindergarten program.

Does my child need to attend a specific kindergarten to be able to enrol into a certain primary school?

Public schools have a requirement that families must enrol their children into their zoned school. Children can attend any kindergarten and this does affect their enrolment at their zoned school.

Private schools have their own criteria for enrolment eligibility. Children can attend any kindergarten and this does not affect private school’s enrolment criteria.

Will my child get a better education and be provided with a better school readiness program at a council-run kindergarten than at a long day care centre?

All early years education and care settings follow a National Quality Framework and National Quality Standards. Services are assessed and provided with a quality rating against these standards. You can ask your service about their quality rating.

For a kindergarten program to be offered at any service it must be led by a Bachelor-qualified teacher and, therefore, required to provide the same level of education.

Kindergarten programs are developed from a play-based learning curriculum, centered around individual learning plans. Play is essential to stimulate and incorporate a wide range of intellectual, physical, social and creative abilities.

Through play our children are developing the foundations of future academic concepts.

Can my child attend kindergarten if they are not immunised?

Children’s immunisations must be up-to-date to attend kindergarten. Visit No Jab No Play for early childhood education and care services | health.vic.gov.au

Under the No Jab, No Play law, kindergartens must get an immunisation statement from families showing their child:

  • Is fully vaccinated for their age, or
  • Is on a recognised catch up schedule if they are behind their vaccinations, or
  • Has a medical reason not to be vaccinated.

If your child’s immunisation record is not up to date, your child cannot attend kindergarten.

You will be asked to submit your child’s Immunisation History Statement as proof that they are vaccinated.

You will also be asked to submit an updated statement after they receive their four-year-old immunisation. This statement is available for download through your Medicare online account, myGov or Express Plus Medicare mobile app.

Please submit any updates to your child's immunisation record to kinder@wodonga.vic.gov.au