We investigate air (including wood smoke), noise, stormwater and land pollution. You can contact the community focus team on (02) 6022 9300 or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on 1300 372 842 to report any of these.
Air quality in Victoria is protected by two state environment protection policies or SEPPS, which are adopted by government to protect Victoria's air environment. For more information on air pollution guidelines, measuring and the main types of pollutants, please see the EPA's website. There is also information available on wood smoke and applicable legislation.
Stormwater is surface run-off from rain and storm events that enters the drainage system. It carries many pollutants, including leaves, sediment, oil and other hydrocarbons, that are a major cause of pollution in our rivers, creeks, lakes and bays. Improving stormwater quality is a long-term process that involves educating residents and businesses about preventing stormwater pollution at its source and treating stormwater before it enters our waterways.
Cleaner stormwater provides us with new opportunities for stormwater harvesting and reuse. This helps us to protect our precious water reserves. Councils play a significant role in improving the environmental management of urban stormwater. This includes obligations under the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria).
The EPA has created a Reducing stormwater pollution – a kit for home and business to guide locals in reducing stormwater pollution. North East Water ensures the delivery of high-quality water to Wodonga residents. For any stormwater pollution concerns or complaints, please phone our community focus team on (02) 6022 9300.
The EPA assists responsible planning authorities, including us, on the management of contaminated land sites. Sites that have been contaminated by former waste disposal, industrial and similar activities are frequently discovered during changes to land use. In most cases, these can be managed at the time that the change of land use occurs.
More information is available on the EPA's website on land pollution and the Priority Sites Register.