Wodonga Council

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Artwork creates a real buzz

16 Nov, 2023

A larger-than-life artwork of bees amongst lavender has found a home at The Cube Wodonga. 

Talented local artists Kristina Greenwood and Rita Worboys worked together on the mural as part of Wodonga Council’s January CoCreate event.

“I was inspired by the lavender in my garden and the way the bees moved through the flowers,” Rita said.

“I took some photos with the bees in some different positions and Kristina used these to draw the design that we painted together.”

The lavender featured in the mural is a favourite amongst the local blue banded bee as it provides ample pollen and has a long bloom period.

“We wanted something native to Albury and these local bees play an important role in our environment,” Rita said.

Kristina was also excited to see the mural in its new home.

“It looks great in the space and we feel blessed to have it there,” she said.

The pair used water-based exterior house paint to create the mural that mustered lots of attention during the CoCreate event.

Rita recalled the pair were up against the four-hour deadline and pushed as hard as they could to finish the mural in the allotted time at the event.

The heat of the day was not on their side and the artists finished the piece the next morning and coincidently met Karen Retra, a local bee enthusiast who encourages bees into her backyard with ‘bee hotels’ to help improve her vegetable garden.

“Karen happened to be walking past The Cube and saw what we were doing and we got to meet her,” Kristina said.

“It was fantastic timing and such a great way to finish the mural while learning more about our local bees.”

Kristina and Rita enjoyed working together so much that the pair are looking to work together again in the near future.

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