Have you had your say yet on the draft Open Space Strategy?
There are two remaining opportunities this month to have a chat and find out more about the draft Open Space Strategy, which is a plan for the design, provision and management of Wodonga’s 429ha of usable public open space for the next 15 years.
Come and chat with us.
- Thursday, November 4, 3.30pm-6pm, at a drop-in session outside council’s Hovell St offices (If the weather is poor, the session will be held inside council’s offices)
- Friday, November 19, 6pm-8pm at Baranduda Community Centre’s pop-up cafe
Can’t make it to a session?
Have your say in this five-minute survey
The draft Open Space Strategy analyses Wodonga’s existing public open space, identifies gaps in the distribution of public open space and looks at the future needs of our growing population, including opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to have access to nature and outdoor recreation.
The draft strategy covers Wodonga, West Wodonga, Huon Creek, Gateway Island, Bandiana, Killara, Baranduda and Leneva and was developed using feedback from stakeholders and the wider community.
Recommendations in the draft Open Space Strategy, include:
- Increase public open space resource allocation to improve facilities and services appropriate to meet Wodonga’s anticipated future demographics, including higher numbers of youth and older adults;
- Ensure improved planning policy, design measures and embellishment at the subdivision stage to prevent future maintenance and access issues;
- Track and trail networks should connect to the broader region and planned in consultation with regional organisations and neighbouring councils; and,
- Support sustainable and active transport (walking and cycling) throughout the municipality
This consultation closes on November 22.
Find out more and have your say today at makewodongayours.com.au.
Please note when attending Baranduda Community Centre:
Visitors aged 16 years and over must be - and show proof of being - fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a valid medical exemption, in line with the Chief Health Officer’s Directions.
On arrival, you will be asked to check-in using the Service Victoria App. We strongly encourage you to please link your COVID-19 digital certificate to the Service Victoria app before your visit.
Masks are required indoors. 4sqm density limit applies indoors and 2sqm outdoors.
We operate with a comprehensive COVIDSafe plan and the health and safety of everyone remains our highest priority.