- A full and current copy of the title information for each individual parcel of land forming the subject site including any covenanter agreements registered on the title
- Scaled and dimensioned plans of the existing conditions
- Scaled and dimensioned plans showing the layout and details of the proposal
- Details of any signage proposed (including size and dimensions of signs)
- Details of any car parking available on the site and any proposed changes
- Provided a description of the likely effect of the proposal, such as traffic, noise or environmental impacts, if required
- Pictures of current land use
- Any other information required by the planning scheme, requested by the council
- Site plan with elevations
- Floor plan
- Structural specifications certifications
- Value of building works method of estimation
- Written consent from owners of the property
- Any other information requested by the council
- A plan of the proposed fit-out of the premises with layout of fixtures and fittings
- A description of materials to be used on surface finishes including walls, floors and bench tops; and
- Locations of waste disposal area, storage areas, toilets, etc.
- A copy of either approval or exemption for trade waste from North East Water
To register a food business for class 1 and class 2 businesses only
- A copy of North East Water trade waste approval or exemption
- A copy of your food safety supervisor’s certificate
- Any other information requested by the council
- A plan of the proposed fit-out of the premises including sink/hand basin locations
- Any other information requested by the council